Image courtesy of Sunny Zendeli @sunnygzen
Written by Felicia Gopi
Toronto Carnival is revered worldwide as a place to let loose, celebrate and free up yourself on the road. The annual Caribbean Carnival Parade, better known as Caribana, is held on the Saturday of the Civic long weekend here in Toronto; but for the Saldenah family, the road to Carnival is much longer.
Ronny Saldenah is the son of Louis Saldenah and grandson of Harold Saldenah, a lineage of trailblazers and leaders in the Toronto Mas scene. Before we really dove into our interview, I told Ronny about my unforgettable experience playing mas with Saldenah and stressed how organized their process was, to which he replies, “Masqueraders, that’s our number one priority, to make sure that they’re having a great time”.
Ronny has been a section leader for Saldenah Carnival for over ten years. His siblings (Anton Saldenah, Aaron Saldenah and Ariel Saldenah) also lead sections among other artists, creating a place for masqueraders to come experience carnival alongside a family with roots in the long-standing celebration....Read More
Image courtesy of Sunny Zendeli @sunnygzen
Written by Tricia Gopi
For the 56th year in a row, a sea of masqueraders filled the lakeshore stretching into the horizon to celebrate the Toronto Caribbean Carnival, more commonly called Caribana.
Despite repeat visits to the Grand Parade, stepping onto the road surrounded by the sounds and sights of revelry is not quite like anything else.
Whether you're a spectator who has joined from the sidelines, a designer who has invested hours into perfecting each costume, or a masquerader who participates in the parade, the moment you get on the road, there is an immediate sense of unity and an overwhelming connection that takes over. Because Caribana, and Carnival across the Caribbean in general, is about more than parades, music, and beautiful apparel. It's about identity, history, and outlook.
Every year, Carnival celebrates culture and community that stretches across race, religion, and language. In a world divided, Caribana serves as a reminder of how far we've come.
A road that started from the abolition of slavery, nearly 200 years later, carnival is still a beautiful story of liberation and hope....Read More
Written by Saira Batasar-Johnie
Growing up in a mixed household with two different but the same cultures gave me a very blessed experience. To have a mother who is a Muslim Guyanese person and a father who was a born Hindu/Christian Convert Trinidadian provided me with a mind of openness. Fast forward a few years where I am now a parent, I now want to share the things I love with my children that I shared as a young child with my parents, particularly my dad. My dad taught me the love of Soca, Calypso, Chutney and Indian music. We would sit down with his cassette player with the latest tapes from Trinidad and listen to them every time he came back from a trip. The voices of the Mighty Sparrow, Sundar Popo, Anand Yankaran would be loud throughout our household....Read More
Beauty Behind the Scenes, An Interview with Sarita Nauth
Written by Felicia Gopi
Social media was ablaze on Tuesday May 2, 2023 - the day after the coveted Met Gala, where Social Media Manager, Sarita Nauth graced the red carpet to cover the event. For Indo-Caribbean, and Caribbean folks at large, this was monumental. I did not know Sarita, when her photo came across my feed, nor had I heard of her but at that moment, I was cheering for her.
“I started off in media and entertainment almost a decade ago, I had gone through several internships that focused on photography, art, media…but in high school I primarily focused on fashion design.” Sarita has had a lengthy career in social media and production and she describes to me that it all started with her interest in fashion and “passion for chasing celebrities around New York City”. She explained that she didn’t see anyone who looked like her working in the media and as a young Indo-Caribbean girl, it made her want to pursue her dreams that much more....Read More
Story is an Indo-Caribbean newsletter designed to bring Canadian Caribbean culture to the forefront. Explore Indo-Caribbean news, identity, and culture online.