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Interested in joining our team? 

If you identify as Indo-Caribbean and/or are interested in Indo-Caribbean culture and heritage, we want you to join our team!

We are openly recruiting team members who can provide distinct skills and abilities to support our mandate and future growth.


Our mandate is to ensure that Indo-Caribbean culture and heritage are understood and known, including our footprint in Canada. Further, we seek to engage with the Indo-Caribbean Canadian community on a number of topical issues through specialized publications and events.

Alim (far left), Ryan (centre), and Sabrina (far right) with volunteers at Feed Scarborough during a delivery of food donations from the Dhal and Rice Indo-Caribbean Food Drive. 


All interested candidates who would like to join our growing team should submit a letter of interest and CV to

*Volunteer hours are available for high school students
*All roles are volunteer, no financial compensation is provided
* Volunteers are asked to participate in monthly planning and organization meetings (virtually)


We require all volunteers to abide by an Inclusion and Safe Space Policy

Nerissa and Omisha brave the cold and hand out winter clothing to recent immigrants from the Caribbean in Toronto's St. James Town neighbourhood

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