I can remember the exact moment when I first had to clarify to someone that I was Guyanese, not Ghanaian, to someone whose background was neither. Yet, she insisted on correcting me, until I pretty much gave up. I was 5, I didn’t have the tools or the fight I have in me now.
I remember when my second grade teacher repeatedly told me I was Indian, despite me telling her that my parents were from Guyana. She then quickly sniped at me that I was Canadian since I was not born in Guyana. True, I am Canadian, but why didn’t I feel like it? ...Read More.

Presented and Written by
Eric Mathura, Founder of Boardgains
Twenty twenty-three is here, as festivities wind down, folks will be going back to work and most importantly we have all setup our New Year’s resolutions. Research shows that 95% of New Year's resolutions are fitness related, but after just 3 months, only 10% of people believe their resolutions will last. This can be attributed to the fact that while most of us can set up goals, we may lack the proper systems to assist us in reaching those goals. Life also happens: you lose your job, your workload increases or you even suffer the loss of a loved one, all of which can impact your motivation. At Boardgains, our number one priority is to ensure that our community not only gets fit but maintains it all year long. We are committed to ensuring that by the end of the year, all of our members will have exceptionally exceeded and reached their fitness goals. With that, here are 3 tips for a healthier 2023! ...Read More.

Spotlight on Priya Ramdehall: Joining ICCA Changed my Outlook on Life
Written by Rebecca Dass
Priya Ramdehall, 21, is a fourth year McMaster University student studying Political Science. Born in Canada to parents from Guyana, Priya is no stranger to volunteering, spending her early years fundraising and giving back to her community at Mandir. As she got older, she started looking for opportunities for herself to stay close to her roots and give back to her community - that’s when she stumbled upon the Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association (ICCA).
Priya has helped ICCA accomplish many of their goals through multiple initiatives since first joining in February of 2022. She is a member of VOICE (Voter Organization for Indo-Caribbean Engagement), has helped tremendously with the Books for Back Home Campaign, and is the Chair of the Research Committee. ...Read More
Looking Back At 2022: A Story from our Chair
Written by Ryan Singh

Thank you for reading Story, a new space made to amplify the voices of Canada’s Indo-Caribbean community through the Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association (ICCA). As Chair of ICCA, I am so proud of the team that has worked diligently to launch this new online newsletter. This project is just one of many examples of our dedicated and talented volunteers that ensure the ongoing success of our organization.
ICCA was founded on the principles of sharing Indo-Caribbean culture, demonstrating our footprint in Canada, and bringing the community together in meaningful ways. And 2022, truly saw us achieve all of this. I am proud to be a part of a team that is not afraid to speak up so that Indo-Caribbean Canadians are seen and heard. Join me as I look back on some of our shining moments. ...Read More
Dhal & Rice Anyone? Here's How You Can Help With Our Food Drive
Written by Rebecca Dass
This past holiday season, the Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association (ICCA), co-organized the Dhal and Rice: Indo-Caribbean Food Drive, organized with our friends from Building Togetherness, Divine Designs by Natasha, and The Caribbean Network. Collectively, we partnered with numerous small businesses and organizations across the GTA to host a food drive with the purpose of serving culturally appropriate food products for Caribbean communities.
Thanks to our community's support, we have collected and delivered approximately $2,125 and 816 non-perishable food items to five food banks that serve a significant amount of the Caribbean community in the Greater Toronto Area. ...Read More

Story is an Indo-Caribbean newsletter designed to bring Canadian Caribbean culture to the forefront. Explore Indo-Caribbean news, identity, and culture online.